Episode Description: In this episode of Raising Cinephiles, host Jessica Kantor dives into the return of smoking on-screen. From the nostalgia-fueled imagery in shows like Stranger Things and The Queen’s Gambit to the resurgence of smoking in real life, we explore the cyclical relationship between Hollywood and cultural trends. Is smoking on-screen driving a real-world comeback, or is it reflecting a rebellion against wellness culture already underway? Join us as we question the allure of cigarettes in modern media and consider how we can talk to our kids about these powerful images.
Topics Covered:
The history of smoking in cinema: from golden age glamour to modern resurgence.
Truth Initiative's recent reports on tobacco imagery in popular streaming shows and award-winning films.
How cultural nostalgia, aesthetic choices, and character development contribute to the rise of smoking in movies and TV.
The real-world impact: Are we seeing a return to smoking in our social circles as a reflection of what’s on-screen, or is it vice versa?
Conversations we should have with our kids to help them navigate tobacco imagery in the media they consume.
Films & Shows Mentioned:
The Queen’s Gambit
Stranger Things
A Star is Born
West Side Story
Links Cited in the Episode:
Truth Initiative - While You Were Streaming: Tobacco Imagery in Streaming Shows https://truthinitiative.org/research-resources/smoking-pop-culture/while-you-were-streaming#:~
Truth Initiative - Tobacco Imagery Rising in Top Entertainment https://truthinitiative.org/research-resources/tobacco-pop-culture/tobacco-imagery-rising-top-entertainment-including-among#:~
Vanity Fair - Smoking Is Back in Movies: Here's Why https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/smoking-in-movies-awards-insider#:~
Truth Initiative - Tobacco: A Starring Role https://truthinitiative.org/tobacco-starring-role#:~
The Guardian - Smoking Is Back, and It’s Still Cool and Deadly https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/jul/02/smoking-is-back-and-its-still-cool-and-deadly
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Follow Jessica on Instagram: @jesskantor @RaisingCinephiles
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